About the Journal

CREST (Case Reports in Emergency Surgery and Trauma) is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to expanding the quality of care in the scientific field of Acute Care Surgery & Trauma (ACS&T) by publishing articles reporting clinical cases on this study area. The rationale for publishing case reports in the ACS&T field is double. On the one hand, in this area of study it is extremely costly and difficult to produce studies of the highest degree of scientific evidence (i.e. controlled clinical trials, especially randomised) and on the other hand, clinical cases (and their particular scientific information) find little, if non-zero, dissemination’ chance in the scientific literature. The journal welcomes submissions from international contributors and researchers of all specialties involved in ACS&T. CREST publishes essentially Case Reports or small Case Series (and eventually Letter) related to the practice in the field of ACS&T. Clinical cases published on CREST must comply, in addition to originality, with three other conditions:

  1. to follow the CARE guidelines for publication of case reports (https://www.care-statement.org/);
  2. to report a comprehensive review of the central topic of the case report in the Discussion section;
  3. to indicate in the conclusions the fundamental "learning" obtained from the clinical case.

CREST is supported by SIFIPAC (Società Italiana di Fisiopatologia Chirurgica, Italian Society of Surgical Physiopathology).

Editorial Board

Publication Ethics
