Tardive transvaginal small bowel evisceration after colpohysterectomy: a case report of a rare surgical emergency

Submitted: July 5, 2023
Accepted: September 19, 2023
Published: September 28, 2023
Abstract Views: 250
PDF: 111
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  • Greta Bortolin greta.bortolin01@universitadipavia.it General Surgery Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia; General Surgery Unit, Ospedale Unico Plurisede ASL VCO, sedi di Domodossola e Verbania, Italy.
  • Giorgio Querini General Surgery Unit, Ospedale Unico Plurisede ASL VCO, sedi di Domodossola e Verbania, Italy.
  • Angelo D'Ovidio General Surgery Unit, Ospedale Unico Plurisede ASL VCO, sedi di Domodossola e Verbania, Italy.
  • Gabriele Bocca General Surgery Unit, Ospedale Unico Plurisede ASL VCO, sedi di Domodossola e Verbania, Italy.
  • Sandro Zonta General Surgery Unit, Ospedale Unico Plurisede ASL VCO, sedi di Domodossola e Verbania, Italy.

Transvaginal small bowel evisceration is a rare surgical emergency after gynaecological surgery with around 100 cases described in literature from 1864. Its diagnosis is merely clinical. The surgical treatment is time-depending because of the risk of acute small bowel ischemia. A 71-year-old female presented in our emergency room complaining abdominal pain, vomiting, and small bowel evisceration through the vagina. She suffered gynaecological prolapse and underwent transvaginal hysterectomy four years earlier. At the clinical examination, intestinal loops were oedematous, dusky, vascular sufferance, and without peristalsis. An urgent laparotomy was performed to reduce the prolapsed bowel, resect the ischemic loop, and vaginal cuff closure. Transvaginal bowel evisceration is a delay complication after hysterectomy. It is a life-threatening condition that requires prompt recognition and surgical management.



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How to Cite

Bortolin, G., Querini, G., D’Ovidio, A., Bocca, G., & Zonta, S. (2023). Tardive transvaginal small bowel evisceration after colpohysterectomy: a case report of a rare surgical emergency. Case Reports in Emergency Surgery and Trauma, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/crest.2023.20